Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Variety Show!!

This year's variety show will be held on Tuesday, January 14th 2025.

Auditions are Wednesday, December 18th.  

Please use this form to sign up to try out for the variety show.  Tryout date is Wednesday, December 18th after school.  If you have any questions, you may email us at bvfinearts@gmail.com.

Please note: We want to keep as many acts as possible, BUT the show needs to stay under 2 hours.  That means that if you are trying out in multiple acts, you may only be selected for one of those acts.  We are looking for variety, so be creative and plan now so you are very prepared for your audition.  The more prepared you are, the more likely your act will be chosen.

Feel free to try out for multiple acts, but please understand that we are encouraging variety.  Consider being in acts that highlight your various talents. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

FAB 2024 Updates

 Welcome to the Fine Arts Booster Club!

Please join us at our monthly meetings.  We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6PM, but we do adjust our meeting times occasionally based on member conflicts.

Our first meeting of the 2024 school year will be on Tuesday, September 10th at 7PM (please note the start time) in the BVHS Community Room.  Please feel free to join us!!

Follow us on Facebook: Facebook

Parents/guardians are encouraged to sign up for Remind updates.  Join here: https://www.remind.com/join/bvfab2024

"Lynx to the Arts" deadline is coming up quickly.  All material, including parent ads and senior spotlights, needs to be submitted by Friday, September 6th.   

Info/FAB Membership link here: https://forms.gle/o5ujuCvdSpxGf6UT9

Business owners - please place your ad for our publication by September 6th.  

Here is the link: https://forms.gle/18hELMAkzJpKUwa29

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

 Attention Seniors! The Brandon Valley Fine Arts Boosters are pleased to announce scholarships available for 2023 graduating seniors. The scholarships are made possible through the generous donations from Architecture Incorporated and Brandon Valley Fine Arts Boosters.


A minimum of six individuals will each be awarded a $500 scholarship. To be eligible you must:


1.     Be a current school year graduating senior.

2.     Plan to be a full time student in an accredited college or vocational technical school in the fall. (Do not need to pursue a degree in fine arts)

3.     Have contributed to the Fine Arts at Brandon Valley in at least one of the following areas:

·       Art

·       Choir

·       Oral Interpretation

·       Orchestra

·       Theater


Awards will be made on the basis of:

1.     Contribution to the Fine Arts at Brandon Valley High School

2.     Fine Arts Experience/contributions in the community (including support such as tech)

3.     Community service, non-fine arts school activities/involvement, and employment

4.     Applicant’s written case for being selected, and academic performance


Application forms may be found on the Brandon Valley HighSchool Fine Arts Booster web site under Boosters ---> Forms, or through the teachers/directors/coaches of the five areas of fine arts listed above.


Applications are due by Friday, March 31, 2023 and may be submitted to:

bvfinearts@gmail.com Subject: Fine Arts Scholarship; or BVHS Office, Attn: Jessica Henson.

With thankfulness for you and for growing the arts in our schools and community,

The BV Fine Arts Boosters

Friday, January 13, 2023

 Variety Show Try-Outs!!

Wednesday, February 8th

PAC - after school

Sign up through this code:

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Upcoming Events and Volunteer Needs (please help!)

So many events!  

Please follow the link below to help us at the following events:

BVHS Variety Show 

Spring Music "Beauty and the Beast"

Fine Arts Scholarship Committee


Sign up for remind updates:


Our next meeting will be held at Kingbird Coffee on Tuesday, February 7th at 5:30PM. Coffee is on us!  Please join us.  We need more help with the upcoming events.  Please join us at the 7th and find out how you can help.  Thanks!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Fine Arts Spiritwear! 

Fine Arts families! 

We are excited to announce orders for Fine Arts Spirit Wear are now open through October 1! We've got t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottle stickers/decals and robes (by request of theater students)! Check them out at bvfinearts2022.itemorder.com

This is a great way to show your support for all fine arts students at Brandon Valley!

Please submit your order by October 1. Orders will be delivered to your student the week of October 24

For questions please email bvfinearts@gmail.com    

Go Lynx!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Brandon Valley Fine Arts - welcome to the new school year

 Art, Chorus, Oral Interp, Orchestra, and Theater families,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year.  Having a student involved in any of the above organizations makes you a fine arts parent.  We would like to invite you to add fine arts "booster" to that description.  Please read below for some important information regarding the fine arts booster club and how you can help us be successful.

Fine Arts Booster Club website:
*Please see the "forms" tab on the left side column to fill out the forms (corporate advertisers/FAB membership) 

Fine Arts Booster Club Facebook page:

Sign up for "Remind" updates:

*Parent ads are a fun part of the "Lynx to the Arts" magazine.  The deadline to submit a parent ad is Friday, September 9th.  These ads are a part of your membership in the Fine Arts Booster Club. 

Note: these ads are different from the senior spotlights.  If you have a senior, you should be receiving an email from Jessica Henson from the high school office to submit your information.

Meeting dates/times:
We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 in the BVHS Community Room.  Our first meeting is Tuesday, September 13th.  Please join us!  During our meetings we discuss upcoming fine arts events, volunteer needs, teacher funding requests, and other ways we can support our fine arts students.  Your time and your input would be greatly appreciated.  Any questions....feel free to email us at bvfinearts@gmail.com.

Lynx to the Arts Magazine:
We create a magazine each fall that highlights our fine arts programs at BVHS.  This magazine is distributed at all fine arts events held at the PAC.  Placing an ad in the magazine is a great way to support the FAB.  You can place a parent ad (as referenced above) or invite your place of work to advertise.  The forms for either of these options can be found through this link and attached to this email.  The deadline to be included is Friday, September 9th.  

View our FAB shop through this link.  Ordering will be available soon with orders closing on Friday, September 9th.  

We look forward to a fantastic year!

Brandon Valley Fine Arts Boosters

Amy Rolph, president
TBD, vice president
Leah Hofer, treasurer
Gretchen Jepperson, secretary